

Welcome to eTeacher Hebrew
Hebrew is a language spoken by over 7 million people around the world, the majority of which are in Israel. It is one of the oldest languages in existence, that had almost become extinct until its revival in the early 20th century as a precursor to the modern State of Israel.
At eTeacher, we enable you to learn Modern Hebrew – the everyday language of millions of Israelis as well as numerous  Jewish people across the globe. eTeacher offers courses for adults, and special classes for children ages 7-17.
eTeacher’s approach is teaching Hebrew in Hebrew. Instruction is given in Hebrew only, regardless of the class's level or students' background. The Hebrew in Hebrew approach has been proven to be the most effective method for teaching this language. eTeacher is proud to bring you the best Hebrew teachers from Israel, all certified instructors of Hebrew as a second language. eTeacher is the exclusive holder of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ franchise to teach Hebrew online. 
Our virtual classes are conducted via live video conferencing technology. Students can see the teacher through a web cam and can talk with the teacher and other class members using a headset & microphone. During the lessons, material is presented via a multimedia application on each student’s computer screen. Last but not least,  much of the content has been developed by academic experts specifically for remote learning.

“We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers”. 

(Martin Luther King)

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A mother's love is a blessing, no matter where you roam...

Babes in the Woods

Ладушки, ладушки

O Canadá


Danish song

What is cinema?
IN THE DAYS when kings were kings, when they washed the feet of the poor and, by the simple act of passing by, healed those affiicted with scrofula, there were poets to confirm their belief in their greatness. Not infrequently the singer was greater than the object of his singing. This is where Bazin stands vis-a-vis the cinema. But that part of the story has to do only with what lies ahead. What is going on now is simply the assembling of materials. Civilization is but a sieve through the holes of which there passes the discard. The good remains. I am convinced that in Villon's day poets abounded on the banks of the Seine. Where are they now? Who were they? No one knows. But Villon is there still, large as life. 

The Art of Compounding

Wilbur Lincoln Scoville was an American pharmacist best known for his creation of the "Scoville Organoleptic Test", now standardized as the Scoville scale. He devised the test and scale in 1912 while working at the Parke-Davis pharmaceutical company to measure piquancy, or "hotness", of various chile peppers.

It is a pleasure to introduce this catalogue presenting an exhibit of Hebrew manuscripts and printed books located in the marvelous library collection of the University of Pennsylvania Center for Judaic Studies. The exhibit, which opens in the spring of 1996 at the University’s Van Pelt Library, focuses on the transmission of knowledge from medieval to modern times in Jewish culture, especially the remarkable changes in the process engendered by the technology of the printing press. The exhibit visually highlights some of the critical themes studied by a remarkable group of scholars in Bible, rabbinics, medieval and modern Jewish history, Hebrew paleography, Jewish and Islamic philosophy, Islamic history, ancient Christianity and more, assembled in this year’s fellowship at the Center for Judaic Studies. The exhibit coincides as well with the year-ending colloquium of the Center on the theme:

“Learning and Literacy in the Judaic Tradition: A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Inquiry.”

Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a novella by Gabriel García Márquez, published in 1981. It tells, in the form of a pseudo-journalistic reconstruction, the story of the murder of Santiago Nasar by the two Vicario brothers.

Of Love and Others Demons

Of Love and Other Demons is a novel by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez, first published in 1994.

Love in the Time of Cholera is a novel by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez first published in Spanish in 1985. Alfred A. Knopf published an English translation in 1988, and an English-language movie adaptation was released in 2007.

Memories of My Melancholy Whores is a novella by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The book was originally published in Spanish in 2004, with an English translation by Edith Grossman published in October 2005.

No One Writes to the Colonel is a novella written by the Colombian novelist and Nobel Prize in Literature winner Gabriel García Márquez. It also gives its name to a short story collection

“Arriving there, mingled with the human leaf storm, dragged along by its impetuous force, came the dregs of warehouses, hospitals, amusement parlors, electric plants; the dregs made up of single women and men who tied their mules to hitching posts by the hotel, carrying their single piece of baggage, a wooden trunk or a bundle of clothing, and in a few months, each had his own house, two mistresses, and the military title that was due him for having arrived late for the war. ” – Narrator

Criticism and interpretation.

Занятия ведутся исключительно на иврите, как для начинающих, так и для студентов продвинутого уровня. Ваши учителя – ведущие в мире дипломированные специалисты, знатоки этого уникального языка. Благодаря их опыту и вниманию, Вы быстро убедитесь, что подход изучения иврита на иврите самый эффективный метод обучения.

Мъдростта на Кабала е научен инструмент за изучаване на духовния свят. За да опознаем нашия свят, използваме природните науки като физика, химия и биология. Но естествените науки изучават само физическия свят, който възприемаме с петте си сетива. За да можем напълно да опознаем света, в който живеем, имаме нужда от изследователски инструмент, способен да ни разкрие скритата реалност, която нашите органи не могат да възприемат. Този инструмент е науката Кабала.